Monday, December 5, 2011

Mystery of Christmas 2011 (backstage)

Our family just finished performing in Dramatic Truth School of the Arts annual Christmas ballet, The Mystery of Christmas.  It was three months of rehearsals, three days of intense rehearsals at the theater and three days of shows! Lots of energy, loads of fun, now we are pooped! Matt and I are amazed every year at the teachers/directors, the young men and women, parents, families, and others who help to usher in the Holy Spirit and spread the word of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Liz Dimmel and Anita York, you and your family are truly wonderful. 

 Thank you so much!

The link, , is to a short video of still photos that were taken backstage, before and after shows!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Ready, Set, Cut!

Warning:  The following blog will make those who loved Kahiau's hair sad.  The desire of Kahiau to cut his hair is not shared by poster of this blog, although he is stinkin' cute either way his hair is worn.  Viewer discretion is advised.

This was just the best face and every time that I watch the last part of the video, it just cracks me up! 

Perez is in Kansas City, MO

We were so fortunate to have the Perez family come and visit us for Thanksgiving.  It was nice to have coffee, cook, shop, and relax with Karlene.  Elisa had a blast with Kahiau.  They were like long lost siblings.  No fighting, just a lot of laughing and silliness.  Then of course there is Rick who is just... well... Rick.  He had meetings set up, he was in briefing rooms, he was praying from the mic, and buying Christmas gifts for the needy.  I love spending time with them!!!

 Here are Elisa and Kahiau in the car talking to each other.  They would say the darnedest things!  And they wouldn't stop laughing.  It was quite funny.  Below, they are praying together so that they can eat.  Good friend!!

FYI:  Elisa has the best laugh!

 We didn't get to take Kar fishing because it got too cold here, but we did go to Legends of Asia.  This is my husbands first of many plates!  He likes to make his plate very nice and neat.

We also got to spend time with Daniel and Levi Lim. 

Mahalo Rick, Karlene, and Elisa for visiting and for loving our family with everything you have!!!  We miss you guys and can't wait till we see you again.  We love you!