Sunday, November 6, 2011

What happened to 2011?!?!

Well, 2011 is almost done! Blogging . . . not my forte! But family is! We've added a few members to our family since September. In the picture of Kaeo, we have JB (blue shirt) and Makai (grey tank). They are from Marshall Islands, but have lived in Springdale, Arkansas for a while now. They are 19 and 18 respectively. The next photo is of the third young man staying with us. His name is Kamu (18) and he is from Maui. The three young men were here to take classes with a YWAM ministry, specifically Warriors Come Home, called World of Dance. They came to stay with us because their housing fell through. Their leaders, who are our friends, asked if we would be willing to host these men during thier time here.
After their classes with World of Dance were over, they all decided to stay in Kansas City and more importantly join the Warriors Come Home as junior staffers. Again thier leaders came and asked if we would be willing to house them a little longer. The Lord moved Matt and my heart with compassion for these young men, and have invited them in. We were open to adoption in the Lord's timing and guidence, but we weren't expecting the "kids" to be "men".
The Lord has been gracious and compassionate!!

Other news and review of the year:
Kaeo is 16. He is going to Rockhurst highschool and is in the 9th grade. He just finished playing football and had an awesome year (you can check out his highlihgt videos on Matt's facebook page). He is currently trying out for wrestling, and the practices and wearing him out!!! I love wrestling! He still gets to playguitar and ukulele once in while. In fact he just did a devotional set in the Global Prayer room with our good friends Rachel and Uelese Faagutu. He will also be laying down some tracks for them on their kids album due to come out in a few weeks.
Keala (11), Kalai(10) and Kahiau(6) are going to be sining on the Faagutu's kid's album. They were in the recording studio the other day laying down some vocals for the songs. Homeschool is moving along. We haven't caught up to where we should be, but that is the beauty of homeschool. Some areas we can push ahead and other areas we need to catch up.
Kahiau's hair is super long and I want to cut it and I don't want to cut it!!! He is so stinky cute! He is doing super good in math and really excited about reading!
Kalai will be performing in the Mystery of Christmas ballet performance along with his sister and mom and dad! He loves rehersals and he dose so well with the dancing.
Keala is doing ballet again this year and she is taking Jazz. She is becoming a very graceful dancer. Her body is getting stronger, but we need to work on flexability. She is ALMOST as tall as I am!!! Freaky!
Matt and I are doing great. He is working away at Shiloh Law Group. No he is not a lawyer, he works for a lawyer and does lots of paperwork and phone calls. He is able go to the prayer room then head home for work.
Matt and I will be appearing in the Myster of Christmas ballet at the begginning of December.

I've been a mom, which is really a small title for a woman with such an extensive job discription. I've been leading worship for our small group, dancing with Warriors Come Home, and I will also be singing on the kid's album as soon as my voice comes back. Oh yeah, I got a little sick and lost my voice. We've been traveling with Warriors Come Home and dancing in both Arkansas and Oklahoma. I got sick after one of the trips. Also every Monday I volunteer at Manna-4-U (IHOP KC food distribution ministry).
Summer: We got to go home to Hawaii . . . again . . . thanks to the Figueira Ohana. It was awesome!! Well hopefully I'll do another blog about that one!

1 comment:

  1. kris, you blog!!! that is great! it'll be good to hear what's going on with you guys this way. =)
