Keala and Kris spend some of there time each week helping out at the IHOP "food-bank". It's not really a food-bank, but a place where the community of IHOP get some assistance with breads, fresh produce, dairy, and some canned food.
Our responsibilites there are to sort out the bread and bagels that come in. We get breads from Panera, Whole Foods, Price Chopper, and HyVee.
Here is a shot of my beautiful daughter in action. She is great with putting those breads in the bags, but she cannot tie the bags. But that is okay, her mom is there to help her.
After they help out putting everything in it's place, we are free to shop.
We, and everyone else who shop there, are to take only what you need for that day and the next day. It is wonderful to see how God provides all of our needs. It is a faith-builder, especially when you pray for things you want and you get it.
Often Kahi prays for a certain type of cereal. Almost always he gets what he wants. Please understand that stores don't just give everything away. So for us to get some of the things that we get is amazing. God is wonderful to us!
The people who run this ministry called Manna-4-U are Skip and Janet. They are some of the greatest and most hilarious people we have met. Working with them is not work at all. It is tons of fun.
These shots are of some of our spoils that we take home. Isn't that just a beautiful box of food! Thank you Manna-4-U.
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