Sorry this blog is not about basketball. So if you were expecting that, you can stop reading now. This is about the hair that was cut in the month of March. I decided that it was time for Keala to get a hair chop that would give her a little style, but not make her look sixteen. We cut off about 7 inches or so, but her hair is still very long.
It also looks great when it is up in a pony tail.
While I was cutting Keala's hair, Kahi was very insistant that I cut his. I was very reluctant beacuse I love his hair long. Thankfully he looks extremly cute with a hair cut, so I cut his off also.
Kaeo needed a hair cut! We just went for the hurry up and get it done look.
Teenagers are about as patient as partents are when they ask you to clean your room!
The only one who escapped the clippers was Kala'i. But he is next . . .
Please tell Keala that we love her hair. She looks so beautiful. Of course, the boys are handsome too! Seeing all of your faces made my heart ache. I cannot wait to see you again.